Journal subject areas
The journal subject areas are defined by the following index terms below. These terms represent the keywords to be chosen for assignment of submitted manuscripts to individual topic editors.
Atmospheric sciences | Añel, Arabas, Bekki, Bodini, Butler, Caldwell, Chaney, Egorova, Flaounas, Ge, Grewe, Gromov, Hao, Hong, Järvi, Jöckel, Kerkweg, Kieu, Klingmüller, Knote, Lauer, Lawston-Parker, Liu, Ma, Maher, Mann, Maussion, Michou, Morgenstern, Neale, O'Brien, O'Connor, Phipps, Pisso, Pye, Rahimi-Esfarjani, Remy, Sander, Scholze, Sun, Tai, Y. Tian, Topping, Tost, Ullrich, Unterstrasser, van Heerwaarden, Y. Wang, Western, Whaley, Williams, Yang, Zeng, Zheng |
Biogeosciences | Arndt, Buchanan, Fan, Folberth, Halloran, Hargreaves, Hao, Hong, Järvi, Kato, Kim, Lawrence, Lo, Lu, Müller, Peylin, Rabin, Saito, Sato, Scholze, Sierra, Tai, Verbeeck, Y. Wang, Williams, Yool |
Climate and Earth system modelling | Añel, Arabas, Bodini, Caldwell, Chandra, Chaney, Egorova, Fan, Farneti, Flaounas, Gromov, Halloran, Hao, Hargreaves, Hong, Kieu, Klingmüller, Kurtz, Lawrence, Lawston-Parker, Levy, Liu, Lo, Ma, Maher, Marti, Maussion, Megann, Michou, Neale, O'Brien, O'Connor, Phipps, Rahimi-Esfarjani, Remy, Salim, Scholze, Shu, Sierra, Song, Steer, Stockhause, Sun, Tai, D. Tian, Y. Tian, Ullrich, Valcke, Q. Wang, Whaley, Yang, Zeng, Zheng, Ziehn |
Cryosphere | Goelzer, Hao, Horvat, Huybrechts, Maussion, Mello, Phipps, Räss, Robel, Steer, Wickert |
Earth and space science informatics | Añel, Chandra, Gross, Ham, Hao, Huang, Klingmüller, Lee, Levy, Ma, Mills, O'Brien, Räss, Song, Stockhause, Topping, Valcke |
Hydrology | Chaney, Hao, Jackson, Järvi, Kurtz, Lawston-Parker, Lee, Lu, Mills, Neal, Onyutha, Shu, Sun, D. Tian, Wickert, Wild |
Integrated assessment modeling1 | Hao, Henry, Hong, Lu, Luderer, Rabin, Song, Tai, Wild, Yu |
Numerical methods | Arabas, Cacace, Caldwell, Chandra, Gromov, Gross, Ham, Huang, Kaus, Kelly, Klingmüller, Levy, Maddison, Marras, Mills, Pisso, Räss, Salim, Sandu, Shu, Song, Subramani, Ullrich, Unterstrasser, van Heerwaarden |
Oceanography | Farneti, Halloran, Ham, Hargreaves, Horvat, Kim, Levy, Maddison, Phipps, Subramani, Valcke, Vervatis, Vinayachandran, Q. Wang, Yool |
Solar–terrestrial science | Egorova |
Solid Earth | Cacace, Chandra, Gross, Kaus, Poulet, Räss, Steer, Wickert |
1This subject area encompasses modeling of the integrated energy-economy-land-water-climate system and key subsystems, multi-sector dynamics modeling, as well as dynamics of integrated socio-environmental systems. To be within the scope of GMD, papers must focus on the development of models, as opposed to applications towards scientific or policy conclusions.